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Active Ragdoll

ID: 84310 | views 55 views | Published by Martina Kostova on 2021-12-28 20:01:43

1. Create Ragdoll (GameObject > 3D Object > Ragdoll.., set the bones, if it needs, check 'Flip Forward' and click 'Create'.

2. Fix the colliders.

3. Remove all Character Joints.

4. Replace them with Configurable Joints.

5. Create Empty Child, name it 'Root', Rigidbody, Constraints Freeze Rotation X, Y, Z.

6. Pelvis, Connected Body = Root; X, Y, Z Motions: Locked and almost do the same for the rest Configurable Joints.

7. You can set/fix the Anchors to all Configurable Joints.

8. Angular X, YZ Drive Position Spring: 500

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